Butterfly Class Staff

Mrs Henneberry

Mrs Henneberry

Class teacher
PE and Sport Co-ordinator

Mrs Reynolds

Mrs Reynolds

Special Support Assistant

Welcome to our class

Welcome to the Year 3 and 4 Butterfly Class taught by Mrs Henneberry and supported by higher level teaching assistant Mrs Brough. This is the class where Year 3 children have the transition and excitement of joining KS2 for the first time and being part of the juniors! It is a great opportunity to continue stepping up into the shoes of the older children. They are encouraged to become more independent both in themselves and in their learning.

Our learning

Year 3 and 4 is an exciting, engaging and entertaining classroom where the children work hard and play hard. They are challenged to ensure they achieve their full potential and learn how to become lifelong learners along the way, continually asking questions and wanting to improve.  We ensure the children are emerged into an active and engaging curriculum where they will develop new skills and knowledge.

"I can't do it...yet" is often heard as they tackle tricky problems on their never-ending learning journey.

Our English and Maths lessons are taught in accordance with the National Curriculum. In English, this will include many different genres of writing including journalistic, persuasive, explanation, poetry as well as non-fiction writing. In Maths, following the White Rose Maths scheme we will have a focus on the basic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) as well as exploring shape, measure and data handling problems. We have a big focus on times tables in year 3/4, therefore we encourage all children to regularly practise these on a regular basis.

Please see an overview of the other subjects/topics to be covered this academic year.

Butterfly Class Subject Overview

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Our residential

By the Spring term, the children have developed the confidence and resilience to take part in our residential trip to the Lake District.  As the children become more independent in their learning, we find they rise to the challenges this experience brings.

The Butterfly Class joined by the Year 4 children from the Swift Class enjoy an overnight stay in a Youth Hostel and take part in outdoor education activities including activities such as team building activities, a fell walk, orienteering and water sports.

Year 4 Statutory Multiplication Check

The Year 4 children have a statutory multiplication times table check (MTC) to complete in June.

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

The official check consists of 25 questions. Pupils will have 6 seconds to answer each question, with 3-seconds pause between questions. Pupils will answer 3 practice questions before the check begins.

Please see the document attached for further guidance.

Multiplication Check

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Why is reading with my child important?
Reading is one of the most important skills that your child will learn. It opens up a whole new world of learning and imagination, and your help is essential. The more you help your child at home, the easier they will find it to develop the vital skill of reading. When you share a book with your child at home, you are showing them that you think reading matters. You are giving your child your full attention and that tells them that reading is a special activity that is worth time and trouble. Children who get help and encouragement at home learn to read quicker and with deeper understanding than those who only read at school. When hearing your child read at home it is important that you share books together and talk about what they might be about, by looking at the front cover and illustrations. As well as asking their opinion of the story. These conversations help to give them a sense of what is inside the book before they start to read it and preparing them for some of the vocabulary they come across. This means you are setting your child up for success right from the start.

Identifying vocabulary your child does not know is essential to help them become fluent readers. If there are more than five words on a page, or in a passage, that your child is unable to identify they will not be able to comprehend the text. This means that the text is too difficult for them. Therefore, it is important to consider the vocabulary in a book and have discussions around this. Encourage your child to be independent by looking up the word in a dictionary, discuss what specific words mean, and relate them to real-life to build an understanding for your child. Thus, helping them to comprehend the text.

Model reading with your child or taking turns to read is great to build up confidence. For example, modelling a sentence that they may have misread is a good way to support this, and then ask your child to reread the passage ensuring they address what they have learnt.

Additionally, it is important that they read the punctuation, pausing where appropriate and adding expression. If your child has enjoyed a book, encourage them to recall what has happened so far, can they remember the key events. This helps showcase their understanding of what has been read.

Now your child is in KS2, they still need to be reading and listened to being read, as often as possible but at least 4 times a week. This can also include reading when out and about e.g. menus, road signs, posters, newspapers etc. Even comics can encourage your child to read independently!

The more opportunities your child has to practise, the more they will benefit. Each time your child reads their school reading book, please make a comment in their reading record outlining how they got on. Please could we ask that your child have their reading book and reading record with them in school each day.

Your child has been sent home with a reading vipers’ bookmark, which has a variety of different types of questions. Whilst reading with your child. try to choose one question from each section. You could ask more than one type of question per page. This will check that your child really understands what they are reading and could lead you into further conversations about the book.

Lastly, praise is crucial to foster a love of reading. Notice what your child has done well and tell them, often. Thank you so much for your help with this as it is essential that we work together to support your child on their reading journey.

Please see recommended read documents for your child’s year group.

Key information

This document outlines all the key information you need to know about our daily routines.


In Year 3 and 4 you will receive the following homework, we expect homework to be completed on time.

  • Reading - This should continue nightly and Year 3 and 4 staff will check reading records regularly to make sure it is happening.
  • Times table practise - This should again be happening regularly at home to make sure you are confident with the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8x tables.
  • Alternate weekly Maths/English homework- This will be set on a Friday and be due back in on the following Wednesday. Activities will be linked to what we have been learning in class that week.
  • Spellings - These will be set on a Friday and be tested on the following Friday. Online learning games will be set on spell shed linking to the spelling rule for that week. The children also have statutory spellings to learn through the year and apply to their writing.

Butterfly class Statutory Spellings

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  • Occasionally, there will be projects set to complete linked to our theme in class. These will replace normal homework and the children will be given plenty of time to do them.

General Reminders

  • PE: We have PE on Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure you come to school in your PE KIT and if they have long hair that it is tied back, or earrings are taken out or covered on those days.
  • Pencil cases: Children will not need a pencil case for their work in Year 3 and 4. We have everything they need in class. If they have their own colouring pencils, they may bring them in to keep in their trays until needed.
  • Water bottles: Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle for the classroom, containing water only. 
  • Book bags: Please can book bags be brought into school every day.
  • Coats: The weather is changeable, and our children play out in all types of weather.  Please always ensure your child has a coat with them in school.  

For additional information please see details in the welcome to Year 3 and 4 booklet and our class timetable.

Butterfly Information Booklet for Parents

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Butterfly Class Timetable

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Useful websites

Purple Mash 

Staplehurst School - TT RockstarsEdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed




Lockdown lessons for homeschooling - BBC Bitesize Maths.co.uk (@primarymaths) / Twitter Topmarks What is White Rose Maths