The school has a well-established policy of pupils wearing school uniform starting from Reception aged children up to year 6. For nursery aged children uniform is optional. 


The uniform is as follows:


  • A plain navy-blue sweatshirt
  • A plain white, blue or red polo shirt
  • Dark coloured trousers/dress/skirt
  • Sensible footwear (training shoes are not permitted)
  • Summer uniform (optional):  gingham dresses blue or red, grey shorts, shoes or sandals

The school PE kit consists of a white T-shirt; dark, plain shorts; tracksuit trousers for winter; pumps or trainers. This kit should be left in school during the week.


All of these items can be purchased from any high street retailer of your choice. 


Reminder: Items of clothing should be clearly labelled and young children should be dressed in clothes that are easy for the child to manage.


NOTE: School has a limited stock of used uniform which is available to all parents / carers on request. Also, the PTA regularly organise used uniform swap events where items can be purchased for a small donation.  


Sweatshirts/polo shirts/hoodies/waterproofs with a school logo are optional, please refer to the information below.


Clothing that is available with the School Logo on:

The school sweatshirts, cardigans, t-shirts and PE hoodies with the school logo on can be ordered via Coniston's online shop. These items are optional.

You can order, pay online and have your order individually bagged and delivered to school or home. 

Please visit by clicking on the link below:

Coniston Corporate

Please try to order in advance as they can take 4 to 6 weeks to process. Please note, they may also gather a few orders before sending to school to reduce delivery costs.