The children have had a fantastic week so far...
Monday: Steve Hoare's fitness sessions got eveybody going - lung busting efforts from all the children!
Tuesday: Donna Moore, Public Health nurse, delivered two excellent sessions on healthy packed lunches; the sugar presentation certainly had us all thinking about the amounts we consume in a day.
Wednesday: The Life Bus had landed (it's the big white box in the playground). The team have delivered sessions on relationships, healthy bodies and taking care of ourselves - more to come tomorrow. Also, Lindy Sharp and Jill Sweetman have been busy all day delivering the Heartstart programme - a first aid training package for children. The pupils have loved it and are very keen to try out their skills - watch out!
Still to come...
Thursday: More Life Bus sessions.
Friday: It's a day of exercise and mindfulness where all the pupils in school get to try out Yoga with Heidi Birr.
Thank you for your help and support, Mr Sharp.