In 2018 we started working with Claire Griffel of ‘Imagine Senegal’ to develop a link with a school in Senegal, called Amitie Senegal Canada Primary School in Ziguinchor. The children have been sharing photos and work between the schools in order to learn about each other's interests, culture and language.
“Fundraising is not a compulsory part of Imagine Senegal’s primary school twinning work. But the English pupils are always moved by video footage and photos. They see how fortunate they are in their own schools. They see their twins hard work under really challenging conditions for studying. The English pupils understand that the Senegalese children will become workers in all professions just as they will AND in spite of extremely difficult conditions. The other side of the twinning is a feeling of being connected with other very different yet very similar children a long way away. It is absolutely priceless to see the English pupils’ delight when they watch video footage or see photos of their twins reading their letters and postcards and looking at the drawings they have done there are cries of excitement.” Imagine Senegal
In response to hearing of how some children in Ziguinchor cannot afford to go to school, we have decided to raise money to set up a bursary in order to help fund children’s education – sometimes it is as little as the cost of the stationery.
The children have been working hard to make Christmas cards to sell at the Indoor Market in Kendal to begin our fundraising venture. Claire will be there from Wednesday - Friday 4th – 6th December and 11th- 13th December and Wednesday 18th December.
The next project that we have in mind, is to create and publish a book of the children’s poems about Arnside, complete with illustrations... We’ll keep you informed!